Indoor Pet Hazards

Indoor Pet Hazards

While many of us are aware of the most common dangers for our pets, such as chocolate for dogs, there are a wide variety of toxic items your pet could stumble upon in your home that are easy to overlook.

We want to make sure you and your pet can enjoy a safe home all year round by helping you protect your pets against indoor hazards. Here are a few things to look out for when pet-proofing your home.


Brown dog with a blue bandana on its neck sleeping on a large couch.


From home improvement projects to cleaning up before family and friends arrive for holidays, our pets can be exposed to toxic chemicals and dangerous equipment in our homes.


Hazardous household items


Products used on home improvement projects like paints, solvents and mineral spirits can also contain harmful chemicals that can severely burn our pets. It’s important to familiarize yourself and your family with the proper use and storage of these products as well as read the product labels carefully. Physical hazards with home improvement projects can be things like nails, power tools, insulation, and more. If you are undergoing a home improvement project, consider having a designated pet-friendly room for them to play in.


"In the Kitchen" dog sniffing cookies.


Food might be the most well-known issue for your pet. While it may be tempting to give your pup scraps from the table, it can not only be detrimental to their health by causing weight gain; it could also cause severe reactions or even death depending on the food.

Harmful items in the kitchen

Related: Pointers to Pick the Perfect Pet Food


"In the bathroom" cat standing on the edge of bathtub.


Nothing brightens up a restroom more than a fresh scrub-down! However, we as pet owners must watch out for the cleaners being used around our pets that may be poisonous.

If a pet ingests toxic chemicals, it extremely traumatic and can be incredibly costly to treat. According to AKC Pet Healthcare statistics, treatment for a pet that ingests a poisonous toxin can cost up to $3,000, depending on the severity of their condition.

Make sure any cleaning products you’re using are not in reach of your pet to sniff or swallow as many products we buy contain harmful substances. Even products that read “Natural” do not always mean they’re safe for pets and innocuous things like essential oils used to freshen up a space can also be dangerous. It’s important to familiarize yourself with the proper use and storage of each product you use. Keep cleaning areas well-ventilated and make sure they are dry before allowing your pet access.


Dangerous items in the bathroom


While these lists are a good place to start when making your home safe for your pet, there are always more things to keep an eye out for when it comes to your pet’s safety.

If you are unsure of any indoor hazards, it’s better to be safe than sorry. All of us here at GVAH are happy to answer any questions you may have. Give us a call today at 701.757.3500!

'Tis the Season for Cold & Flu

Not feeling well, but still need to have your pet see our team? Get a curbside appointment! Help us prevent the spread of germs this season by resting in your car while we take care of your pet.

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